Main Page of Webfolder

1. Main Page of Webfolder

[Figure 1. Main Page of Webfolder]

Figure 1. Main Page of Webfolder

1 User Information
This field indicates user’s e-mail address.
2 Main Menu of Webfolder
[Figure 2. Main menu of Webfolder]

Figure 2. Main menu of Webfolder

① Upload:
This allows user to upload files.
② New:
This will create new folders.
③ Delete:
This allows user to remove files or folders from the webfolder.
④ Down:
This allows user to download files.
⑤ Share:
User may specify other users to share the files.
⑥ Mail:
This allows user to attach files to a mail and send them.
3 WebFolder Quota
This shows current usage and quota of user’s web folder.
4 Folder Path/Authority Level
This shows user’s current folder path and authority level for this folder.
5 Webfolder List
This shows each folder’s name created by user. If user clicks a folder name, its sub folders and files will be displayed on the right window.
6 File Search
If user clicks ‘File search’, he or she will move to the file search window.
7 View Folders/Files in a Selected Folder
This shows sub directories and files in a folder that user selected. (see 5 on the left window). Double click the specific folder to move to the corresponding directory.
8 Sub-menu
ⓐ Check Virus:
This allows user to check viruses of the files.
ⓑ Help:
This gives user detailed descriptions how to use the web folder.
9 Message Output Area
This shows messages that described the result of commands (e.g. coping, deleting, pasting, modifying, check virus, etc.) for files/folders.