This allows user to remove files or folders from the webfolder.
④ Down:
This allows user to download files.
⑤ Share:
User may specify other users to share the files.
⑥ Mail:
This allows user to attach files to a mail and send them.
WebFolder Quota
This shows current usage and quota of user’s web folder.
Folder Path/Authority Level
This shows user’s current folder path and authority level for this folder.
Webfolder List
This shows each folder’s name created by user. If user clicks a folder name, its sub folders and files will be displayed on the right window.
File Search
If user clicks ‘File search’, he or she will move to the file search window.
View Folders/Files in a Selected Folder
This shows sub directories and files in a folder that user selected. (see 5 on the left window). Double click the specific folder to move to the corresponding directory.
ⓐ Check Virus:
This allows user to check viruses of the files.
ⓑ Help:
This gives user detailed descriptions how to use the web folder.
Message Output Area
This shows messages that described the result of commands (e.g. coping, deleting, pasting, modifying, check virus, etc.) for files/folders.