
1. Main Page of Footnotes

User can set the footnotes, which will be added to the mail when he/she sends a mail. The footnotes will be added at the bottom of the mail.

[Figure 1. Main Page of Name and Footnotes]

Figure 1. Main Page of Name and Footnotes

1 Set Footnotes
User can set the footnotes (up to three) that will be added at the bottom of the mail.
[Figure 2. Manage Footnotes]

Figure 2. Manage Footnotes

ⓐ Add Footnotes :
User can make new footnote. After setting the footnote, click on ‘OK’ button to complete this procedure.
[Figure 3. Make Footnotes]

Figure 3. Make Footnotes

ⓑ Edit :
User can edit the registered footnote.
ⓒ Delete :
User can delete the registered footnote.
ⓓ Preview :
User can view the registered footnote in advance.
[Figure 4. Preview Footnotes]

그림 4. 꼬리말 미리보기

2 OK or Cancel
ⓐ OK :
This button stores the information that user has set.
ⓑ Cancel :
If user clicks on this button, it will be moved to the main page of Preference, with no registration.