
1. Personal Contacts

This page allows user to manage the mail addresses. In this page, user can register, modify, or delete the mail addresses.

[Figure 1. Main Page of the Personal Contacts]

Figure 1. Main Page of the Personal Contacts

1 Menu of Contacts and Shared Contacts
When user clicks ‘Contacts’, ‘Contacts’ will basically be shown. User can move between ‘Contacts’ and ‘Shared Contacts’ by clicking each tab.
2 Quick Add Email Address
After typing the name, the email address, and the phone number, select the group and click ‘Add’ button. Then user can simply register the email address.
3 Search Email Address
ⓐ Search by the first character of the name
If user selects English, or numeric, all addresses that matched the first character of the name will be searched as illustrated in figure 2.
[Figure 2. Search by The First Character of The Name]

Figure 2. Search by The First Character of The Name

ⓑ Search Condition and Search Keyword
User can search the address book by group, search condition (name, email address, and/or phone number), or keyword. To search, multiple condition as well as single condition will be possible.
[Figure 3. Search Condition, Search Keyword]

Figure 3. Search Condition, Search Keyword

4 Menu to Manage Addressbook
ⓐ Add Contact
If user clicks ‘Add Contact’ button, a pop-up menu will be opened to allow user to add new contact’s information. After typing information, click ‘OK’ button to add it to the address book.
[Figure 4. Pop-up Window to Add Contact]

Figure 4. Pop-up Window to Add Contact

- User doesn’t have to type memo (except group, name, and email address).
- If user doesn’t type group, it could be classified into ‘None’.
- If the same address already exists in the same group, it is not allowed to add or modify.
ⓑ Admin Groups
If user clicks ‘Admin Groups’ button, a pop-up window will be opened to allow user to add new group. Type the group name and specify the upper group name. Then user can add group by clicking ‘OK’ button.
[Figure 5. Pop-up Window to Add Group]

Figure 5. Pop-up Window to Add Group

ⓒ Print
If user clicks ‘Print’ button, a pop-up window will be opened as illustrated in figure 6. In this window, user can search the wanted list by group, name, email, or phone number. Then user can print them.
[Figure 6. Pop-up Window to Print Addressbook]

Figure 6. Pop-up Window to Print Addressbook

ⓓ External Contacts - Outlook Contacts
If user clicks on ‘External Contacts’, a pop-up window will be opened as illustrated in figure 7. In this window, user can import/export from/to Outlook Address Book or Outlook Express Address Book stored in a PC.
[Figure 7. External Contacts - Outlook Contacts]

Figure 7. External Contacts - Outlook Contacts

ⓓ External Contacts - CSV Contacts
When user clicks ‘External Contacts’ button, a pop-up window will be opened as illustrated in figure 8. In the form of ‘.csv’ file, user can download the contact list that registered in the current addressbook.
[Figure 8. External Contacts - CSV Contacts]

Figure 8. External Contacts - CSV Contacts

ⓔ Organization
If a user clicks on 'Org.' button, a pop-up window will be shown as shown in Figure 9. User can add group and user to contacts by selecting them from the organization.
[Figure 9. Add Organization to Contact]

그림 9. 주소록에 조직도 추가하기

5 Groups and Group List
[Figure 10. Groups and Group List]

Figure 10. Groups and Group List

ⓐ Add Group :
Type ‘Group Name’ into the input field and click ‘Add’ button. Then user can add new group. This new group will be immediately listed in the group list (ⓑ).
ⓑ Group List :
This shows the tree-structured group list that created by user. If user clicks the group name, as illustrated in figure 8, the corresponding group’s user will be shown.
6 Address Management and Address List
[Figure 11. Address Management and Address List]

Figure 11. Address Management and Address List

ⓐ Move and Copy :
By using the check box, user can select the address that he/she wanted to move or copy. Then he/she can select the group which he/she wanted to move to or copy to. Click ‘Copy’ button to copy this address to the selected group. Or click ‘Move’ button to move them to the group.
ⓑ Delete :
After clicking the check box of the address, click ‘Delete’ button to delete it.
ⓒ Edit :
By using the check box, user can select the address that he/she wanted to edit. If user clicks ‘Edit’ button, a pop-up window will be opened. In this window user can see detail information of the selected address. However, it’s not allowed to edit several addresses at the same time. After editing the information in the pop-up window, click ‘OK’ button to close the pop-up window. User can see the modified information in the ⓔ area.
ⓓ Compose :
By using the check box, user can select the address which he/she wanted to send to. If user clicks ‘Compose’ button, this recipient’s address will be automatically typed in the input field, so user can compose it.
ⓔ Contact List :
In this area, user can see the selected group or the searched address list. He/She can also sort them by name, mail, or phone.

2. Shared Contacts

User can share his/her contacts with other groups or users by registering new addresses. The registration and management procedures are same as ‘Contacts’.

[Figure 12. Main Page of Shared Contacts]

Figure 12. Main Page of Shared Contacts

3. Favorite Addresses

User can register his/her favorite addresses.

[Figure 13. Favorite Addresses]

Figure 13. Favorite Addresses