This page offers convenience to user to change basic preferences.
[Figure 1. Main Page of Basic Preference Settings]
Mail List
User can change how many lines of the mail lists he/she wants to see(default : 10 lines, maximum : 50 lines).
[Figure 2. Mail List]
Tag Location
A user can set the location(top or bottom) of the registered tags on ‘View Mail’ screen.
[Figure 3. Tag Location]
Attached the Location
On ‘View Mail’ page, user can arrange the location of ‘File Attachment’ field to ‘Top’ or ‘Bottom’ of the page.
[Figure 4. Attached the Location]
Display My Name and Alias
This field shows the sender’s name when sending a mail.
[Figure 5. Display My Name and Alias]
User can change this field to ‘Editor’, ‘HTML’, or ‘TEXT’.
Set the Mail Font
A user can set the font style and its size.
Write Initial Focus
User can set the initial focus on ‘Compose’ page to ‘Editor’ or ‘To’.
[Figure 6. Write Initial Focus]
Individual Sending A Mail
A user can send a mail to each recipient individually. The individually sent mail contains individual recipient’s information and each recipient does not realize information of whole recipients.
Search Scope of Auto-complete
It allows user to set contact which will be applied to auto-complete function when entering a mail address.
If user wants to enable or disable ‘/CC/BCC’ function, he/she can set this field to ‘Yes’. Or select ‘None’. If user selects ‘-‘ or ‘+’ icon next to ‘To’, he/she can disable or enable ‘CC/BCC’ field.
[Figure 7. CC/BCC]
Attached the Location
On ‘Compose’ page, user can arrange the location of ‘File Attachment’ field to ‘Top’ or ‘Bottom’ of the page.
[Figure 8. Attached the Location]
AutoSave the Mail That You Send
If user wants to save a sent mail to ‘Sent’ folder when sending a mail, he/she can do that by selecting ‘Save to the Sent’ button. Or select ‘No Saving’.
Time to Drafts
User can change the time period how often he/she wants to save the mail temporarily while composing. He/She can set it to 30 minutes in five minute unit.
[Figure 9. Time to Drafts]
Show All
If user checks the folders in this field, he/she can see the folders on the left side of mail page.
[Figure 10. Result When User checked All Folders]
Search Folder Y/N
A user can hide or unhide the search folder from main window.
Tag Yes or No
If user wants to use ‘Tag’ function while managing a mail, check ‘Yes’ button, or check ‘None’ button in this field. If user checks ‘Yes’ button, he/she can see ‘Tag’ field on the left side of main page as illustrated in figure 6.
[Figure 11. A Left Part of ‘View Mail’ Page When User checked ‘Tag’ as ‘Yes’.]
File Format
Using ‘From’, ‘Sent Date’, ‘message ID’, or ‘Subject’, a user can set the format of filename when creating eml file.
OK or Cancel
ⓐ OK :
This button stores the information that user has set.
ⓑ Cancel :
If user clicks on this button, it will be moved to the main page of Preference, with no registration.