External Mail Accounts

1. External Mail Accounts

User can retrieve mails from external mail service that supported POP3.

[Figure 1. Main Page of External Mail Accounts]

Figure 1. Main Page of External Mail Accounts

1 Add or Edit External Mail Account
[Figure 2. Add or Edit External Mail Account]

Figure 2. Add or Edit External Mail Account

ⓐ Add or Edit External Mail Account
In this area, ‘Add POP3 Server’ field will basically be displayed. If user clicks on ‘Edit’ button in figure 2-ⓓ, this field will be changed to ‘Modify POP3 Server’.
ⓑ Select POP3 Server
User can type the external mail account that supported POP3 service by manual, or select it. The default port is 110, but it’ll be changed depending on each external mail service.
ⓒ Username and Password
User can type or change the username and password that used by the external mail.
ⓓ Folder to be Kept
- Keep in the Existing Folder
User can select the existing folder and keep the account information in this folder.
- Keep in New Folder
User can select parent folder of the new folder, create it, and keep the information of account in it.
ⓔ Config Options
- Message Saving
When retrieving the external mails, user can choose whether to save the original mail that kept in the external mail service.
- Fetch Right After Setting Completion
User can choose whether retrieve the mail into designated folder after completion of the external mail settings.
2 Config POP3 Mail List
[Figure 3. Add or Edit External Mail Accounts]

Figure 3. Add or Edit External Mail Accounts

ⓐ External Mail List
The information of the external mail accounts that contained POP3 server name, Port, and Username will be displayed. This information also shows a check box that designated whether save message.
ⓑ Save Message
If user clicks the check box of ‘Message Saving’, a copy of the mail will be kept in the server when retrieving the external mail.
ⓒ Fetch
User can retrieve mails from the external mail service by clicking on ‘Fetch’ button.
ⓓ Edit
If user clicks on ‘Edit’ button, ‘Add POP3 Server’ field will be changed to ‘Modify POP3 Server’ field, and he/she can edit the corresponding information.
ⓔ Delete
If user clicks on ‘Delete’ button, a message window for confirmation will be opened. The corresponding external mail account will be deleted if he/she clicks on ‘OK’ button in this window.
3 OK or Cancel
ⓐ OK :
This button stores the information that user has set.
ⓑ Cancel :
If user clicks on this button, it will be moved to the main page of Preference, with no registration.