It allows user to search for any schedule in this year which is matched with any group or any keyword.
ⓑ Detail Search :
A user can search for schedule by group, title, memo, tag, or period in detail.
[Figure 2. Calendar]
ⓐ Duration :
It shows the duration of the schedule that a user chooses. A user can move it by using arrow button.
ⓑ Today :
If a user selects this button, today’s schedule will be shown.
ⓒ Calendar View
Month – It displays schedule for the current month.
Week – It displays schedule for the current week.
Day – It displays schedule for a single day on hourly basis.
A user can print the currently selected calendar or the search results.
Hide Groups
It folds or unfolds the right panel to allow a user to use a wider screen.
Create a New Schedule
[Figure 3. Create a New Schedule]
ⓐ Title :
Enter the title which will be shown on the calendar.
ⓑ Group :
A user can select a group for a specific schedule. Each group will be shown in different color.
Default is Basic Group.
ⓒ Period :
A user can set the period of the schedule. If he/she selects ‘All day’ or the period exceeds 24 hours, it will be shows with all-day schedule.
ⓓ Repetition :
A user can set to repeat a schedule every day, every week, every month, or every year. He/she can also specify when this schedule repeat will be finished.
ⓔ D-day :
If a user set a schedule to ‘D-day’, he/she can check how many days are left from now until then.
ⓕ Tag :
A user can assign tags which will be used for search and a comma(,) will be used to separate each tag.
ⓖ Memo :
A user can enter the description of the schedule.
It shows how many days are left and the title for a specific schedule which was defined as D-day. If a user clicks on it, the relevant date will be shown.
[Figure 4. D-day]
Mini Calendar
It briefly displays the schedule on a specific date. If a user clicks on a specific data, the daily calendar of the selected date will be shown.
[Figure 5. Mini Calendar]
Group Panel
In this area, the group list that user added will be displayed. If a user checks a specific group, it will be displayed on the calendar or disappeared.
[Figure 6. Group Panel]
ⓐ Add Group :
A user can simply add a new group, set group name and description, share it.
[Figure 7. Add Group]
⑴ Group Name :
A user can define a group name and its color which will be shown on calendar.
⑵ Description :
A user can write description to explain the group.
⑶ Share :
Check the preference to share the group. Detail settings of group sharing can be done by using ‘Admin Shares’ or when changing the group.
⑷ OK/Cancel :
By clicking on these buttons, user can add a new group or cancel it.
ⓑ Admin Shares :
CrediMail provides the administration page to allow user to easily set the group shared.
[Figure 8. Admin Shares]
⑴ My Shared Groups :
In this area, a user can select shared group which he/she wants to share the schedule with.
⑵ Select Users to Share :
If a user selects user group, user list of the relevant group will be shown, or user can search by ID. If a user put mouse curser on email list, user name will be shown. Then user can add a user to shared list on the right side by selecting a user and pressing ‘+’ button.
⑶ OK/Cancel:
A user can complete the shared group setting by clicking on ‘OK’ button, or cancel it.
ⓒ Details/Edit :
By using this menu, a user can check the detail information of the shared group and edit it.
[Figure 9. Details/Edit]
⑴ Group Name/Choose Color :
A user can change group name or its color.
⑵ Description :
A user can change description of the group.
⑶ Share :
A user can share the group with others.
⑷ OK/Cancel :
By clicking on ‘OK’ button, a user can complete the editing. Or he/she can cancel it.
ⓓ Delete Group :
If a user deletes a group, all the schedule belonging to the group will also be deleted.
ⓔ This Group Only :
If a user selects this menu, selected group out of the registered groups will only be shown.
Shared Group
In this area, all the group list shared to the user will be shown. If a user selects specific group, the shared schedule of the group will be shown on the calendar.