
1. Main Page of the Confirmation

The figure illustrated below will be shown, when user clicks ‘Confirmation’ in the left menu. In this page, user can check whether recipients read the sent mail.

[Figure 1. Main Page of the Confirmation]

Figure 1. Main Page of the Confirmation

1 The Number of Confirmed Mail / Search
[Figure 2. Top View of Confirmation]

Figure 2. Top View of Confirmation

ⓐ The Number of Confirmed Mail :
This number indicates the total number of confirmed mail shown in the confirmation list.
ⓑ Search Mails in Confirmation Page :
User can search mails shown in the confirmation list for ‘Subject’ or ‘To’.
2 Confirmation Menu
[Figure 3. Confirmation Menu]

Figure 3. Confirmation Menu

ⓐ Delete :
In the list, select the mail that wanted to be deleted by checking the check box. Then click ‘Delete’ button to delete them.
ⓑ Delete Confirmed List :
This allows user to delete all the mails that confirmed their reception.
ⓒ Delete All :
This allows user to delete all the mail in the confirmation list. If user clicks ‘Delete All’ button, a dialog box for confirmation will be opened.
ⓓ Cancel:
In case of below condition, a user can cancel the mail sent.
- In case that the recipient does not read yet
- In case that the recipient is the local user who use same mail address
- In case that the recipient does not classify the mail to other mailbox excluding inbox
ⓔ Move Page and Set the Amount of the List :
Because total number of pages will be display, user can move to any page using the combo box. He/She can select set how many lines (per 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 lines) does he/she want to display within the mail list.
3 Confirmation List
[Figure 4. Confirmation List]

Figure 4. Confirmation List

ⓐ Subject :
This shows the subject of the sent mail. If user clicks the subject, he/she can move to ‘View Mail’ page to read it.
ⓑ Sent Date :
This shows the date and time when user sent.
ⓒ Read/Total(%):
A user can check how many mails sent and who read them.
ⓓ Undo Send:
A user can check the result of cancellation email which was sent.
ⓔ Confirmation:
If a user clicks on this icon, ‘Confirmation for Each Recipient’ pop-up will be showed.
ⓕ to Excel:
A user can download mail status which was sent by him/her in the form of Excel file.

2. Confirmation for Each Recipient

[Figure 5. ‘Confirmation for Each Recipient’ pop-up]

그림 5. 개별 수신확인 팝업

1 Search for Mails in Confirmation Page
A user can search mails in confirmation page by subject or recipient.
2 Subject/Sent Date
ⓐ Subject:
It shows the tile of sent mail.
ⓑ Sent Date:
It shows the date when the mail was sent.
3 Confirmation for Each Recipient Menu
[Figure 6. Confirmation for Each Recipient Menu]

그림 6. 개별 수신확인 메뉴

ⓐ Delete :
In the list, select the mail that wanted to be deleted by checking the check box. Then click ‘Delete’ button to delete them.
ⓑ Delete Confirmed List :
This allows user to delete all the mails that confirmed their reception.
ⓒ Delete All :
This allows user to delete all the mail in the confirmation list. If user clicks ‘Delete All’ button, a dialog box for confirmation will be opened.
ⓓ Cancel:
In case of below condition, a user can cancel the mail sent.
- In case that the recipient does not read yet
- Unread Only: Shows the mails which was not read
- Undo Send Only: Shows the mails that sending mail was cancelled
ⓔ View Type:
- Read Only: Shows the mails which was read.
- Unread Only: Shows the mails which was not read.
- Undo Send Only: Shows the mails that sending mail was cancelled.
ⓕ Move Page and Set the Amount of the List :
Because total number of pages will be display, user can move to any page using the combo box. He/She can select set how many lines (per 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 lines) does he/she want to display within the mail list.
4 List of Confirmation for Each Recipient
[Figure 7. List of Confirmation for Each Recipient]

그림 7. 개별 수신확인 리스트

ⓐ To :
This field shows the recipient’s ID (To, Cc, and Bcc).
ⓑ Confirmation :
If recipient reads the mail, this field indicates the date and time when the recipient reads it. Or this field will be marked ‘Unread’.
ⓒ Cancel:
In case of below condition, a user can cancel the mail sent.
- In case that the recipient does not read yet
- In case that the recipient is the local user who use same mail address
- In case that the recipient does not classify the mail to other mailbox excluding inbox