Create New Folders

1. Create New Folder from the Webfolder Menu

[Figure 1. Create New Folder from the Webfolder Menu]

Figure 1. Create New Folder from the Webfolder Menu

1 New Folder Button
Click ‘New’ button of the webfolder menu described in the above figure to create new folders.
2 Create New Folder
In the site tree of ‘View Folder’ tab on the left, a new folder will be created. At the same time, this folder will be created in the file list on the right and user will be able to change its name.

2. Create New Folder from the Folder/File List

[Figure 2. Create New Folder from the Folder/File List]

Figure 1. Create New Folder from the Folder/File List

1 Create New Folder after Selecting Target Folder
In the ‘View Folder’ tab on the left, click the right mouse button to open pop-up menu after selecting folder that you want. Then click ‘New Folder’ from the pop-up menu.
2 Type Folder Name
On the right, new folder will be created on the file list and user will be able to change its name.